Inspiration: use what you got!

Letter to friends who are running an amazing workshop:

I thought I would share this as this workshop that I am sadly not available to take part in is still part of my process, and it’s facilitators have been a great inspiration to me.  Check out Sara’s blog and others above.

Hi S and C…Thanks for this, I appreciated the update, and feel a little tinge of loss that the workshop doesn’t fit into my parenting schedule right now….still wonderful inspiration knowing you two and others are dong it! Your posters, blogs, and this workshop and it’s intentions have actually been one of three main Inspirations to me. Please see my blog, which is my journal and my creative process: started with morning pages a la the artists way, and realized what I so needed was a place to show up for my self……while I have hardly been able to stick to this process, in the meantime, just this simple act of showing up, acknowledging the need to present myself to myself, the need to for a location, a desk, a place to do the showing up in and the time in my case, the new easy to read because its big mac in Baba G’s kitchen at 6 am when it’s very quiet in the house, has made all the difference! it has opened up my spirit as it were, opened up doorways, caverns, damns, windows and crevices, light, breezes, and small shoots of green have been poking and gushing fourth. I am now starting projects, and can feel the boyancy of knowing some of them will come to fruition.

Wow, thanks!

I would love to be a guest…..when?

Also, when can we get together to talk about other projects…..this Monday, Tuesday?


What I am realizing now reading through S and C’s course notes and sharing my desire to be a guest in their workshop rather than a regular contributor, is that a huge part of my creative process here is USING WHAT I GOT:

I have a lot of constraints on my time, I have three children and a partner who each have very different  needs to support, I rarely get the quiet or space to work autonomously unless I’m awake after 10pm or before six am, I need to make money, AND, I have a life time of blocks to creativity that I need to wrestle with…or embrace.   So, using what I got, means for me, being gentle with myself and my life’s circumstances, being tolerant and accepting, knowing that what I got, is largely a huge juggling act, is a lot to do with coming to peace within myself during those fleeting moments, allowing the space to develope inside, enjoying the simple joys, quirky inspirations of children, sprawled availability of chaos – being totally ZEN with it, rather than fighting against it.

Just because I can’t join the Transform workshop on a regular basis, doesn’t mean that I can’t be part of it, that I can’t enjoy the music of it, or surf the current of it, from another position….just knowing that my friends are involved and are there for me in spirit, participating once in a while, exchanging ideas on line, and sharing this passion of:

USE WHAT YOU GOT.  Thanks guys!

Some notes from S and C’s letter to me that I found helpful:

If you are one of those people who gets stuck in ideas, why not try creative making as a tool for exploring?  I find when I pull out some paper and a limited number of mark-making tools and just let myself go I realize LOTS about what is going on for me.  Different kinds of associations come up.  Here is one blog post I did on the topic: BLOG: Gaaaah silver paper…

Do a free flow, non-stop write or draw
About any or all of these, when thinking about your potential daily practice, and more broadly about your excitements:
  • medium?
  • length of time?
  • topic / theme?
  • personal patterns you want to explore, transform, leave behind?
  • learning objectives, such as *new techniques*?

(note: this list is different from the one we worked with in class, because i forgot to bring the list!  The one we used in class is below.)

NOTE: *new techniques* may be something you identify that you want to bring into your work.  If yes, we recommend a date with yourself at the Downtown Library.  Or, come up with a plan where you can seek the learning you are after, perhaps meeting with someone who could share skills?  Whatever your aim, MAKE A PLAN to move towards it.

List used in class to Explore our Excitements:

-what excites you?

-aspects of yourself that you want to explore?

-dreams you wish you could actualize?

Thanks Sara!  I am so proud of you for doing this and hope I can participate in the next round.